Quest to Control Wilding Conifers in the Wakatipu Basin

Tuesday 9 November 2010, 11:50AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Wilding Conifers are overtaking the landscape in the Wakatipu Basin! This means that in 10 years time our next generation will not enjoy the view we currently have of the Wakatipu from this view point. The Wakatipu Wilding Conifer Control Group is seeking your help.

Wilding is the term given to the natural regeneration of seedling spread from introduced trees. Most of the major forestry species in New Zealand are exotic (introduced) conifers. The majority of wildings grow close to the parent seed source, as this is where most seed falls, but winds have been known to transport seed at least 15 kilometres in the Wakatipu.
Exotic conifers have not natural control in New Zealand and can grow to well above our natural tree line which is between 900 and 1,100 meters in Otago. Wildings invade alpine and lowland areas quickly-closed canopy can occur within 10 to 20 years. They out-compete and suppress native vegetation. They potentially form a monoculture, reducing the bio-diversity. Once the canopy closes very little native flora will survive due to lack of light and competition for water and nutrients.
There are many groups who are concerned and involved with changing this problem, however the wilding conifers are growing faster than these groups can control them. Our community needs to come together as a collective to work for the future of our environment, our children and their children’s enjoyment of the beauty that this site has to offer.

Wilding control work has been successfully carried out in the Wakatipu for many years. A factor which makes wilding spread manageable is that conifers are very obvious to spot on the landscape well before coning begins (age of seed production is between 6 and 30 years – 12 years on average – depending on the species). Wilding spread is predictable, though there are many variables.

Volunteers from the community are required to help with Wilding Conifers control.

The date set is on the 20, 21 November starting at 9:30am. This is a great opportunity for you to meet new people in a friendly and natural environment. Lunch will be provided and the ride up and down in the gondola will be free, tools are also provided (new tools this year have been funded by the Community Trust of Southland) all you need to bring is your strength and enthusiasm.

There will be spot prizes of Two Adult Passes to “Ziptrek” and a voucher for The Cow to give away, the third prize is everyone has an enjoyable day with breath taking views of Lake Wakatipu and its surroundings

You do need to be fit. The day starts with an uphill walk of 1.5km and then the strenuous task of moving across steep broken terrain and at the end a walk back to the gondola, although thankfully most of that is downhill. Volunteers would need a minimum of 4 hours availability.

Please contact Alan on 027 441 4416 to volunteer your time to this very worthwhile course, you’re children and their children will be grateful for your efforts.
It’s a great day out for a great cause.

For further information please contact Wakatipu Wilding Conifer Control Group CEO Briana Pringle 03 441 0499.