Benefit numbers down slightly as more find work

Judith Collins

Tuesday 9 November 2010, 6:38PM

By Judith Collins


The number of New Zealanders on benefits fell in October says Acting Social Development Minister Judith Collins.

"The modest fall in overall benefit numbers has been led by a decrease in the number of people receiving the Unemployment Benefit," says Ms Collins.

Unemployment Benefit figures dropped by 483 and overall benefits fell by 332 in October.

"Many New Zealanders were hit hard by the recession and as the economy recovers, we expect some fluctuation in benefit numbers," says Ms Collins

Overall, benefit numbers remain affected by the recession with around 10,000 more people on a benefit than the same time last year.

"However, there are jobs out there - last month 7,232 beneficiaries found work," says Ms Collins.

"This Government is determined to keep the focus on work not welfare and with recent changes to abatement rates and tax cuts, there are greater incentives to do so," says Ms Collins

According to October figures, there were 337,880 people on benefits, with 64,798 on an Unemployment Benefit.