Waikato’s volunteer Beachcare groups make big contribution

Waikato Regional Council

Thursday 13 September 2007, 11:52AM

By Waikato Regional Council



Volunteer Beachcare groups helped protect more than 37 kilometres of beach and sand dunes over 2006/07, says a report received today by Environment Waikato’s environment committee.

The work of the Beachcare programme – coordinated by Environment Waikato – involved a wide range of community members and organisations, iwi and hapu, district council staff, contractors and local media.

“The extensive work that’s been undertaken is a credit to all parties involved,” said coastal community facilitator Sam Stephens.

The Beachcare programme aims to:

maintain the natural character of beaches and public access to them
minimise current and future coastal hazards
maintain and enhance biodiversity and the health of estauaries.
Beachcare volunteers were active at 14 east coast and 5 west coast beaches during the year, with 23 community working bees held and more than 37,000 native plants being put in place to help maintain beaches and dunes.

Some of the highlights of the work included 150 metres of dune reshaping and replanting at Pauanui, the planting of 7000 plants at Marokopa, and putting in 4500 plants at Raglan.

“Everyone who has taken part in the Beachcare groups can be really proud of what they have achieved,” said Mr Stephens.

“Beachcare is a great example of the general public and a range of organisations working together closely to protect natural features we care about deeply.”