Banks still insensitive to city’s need for affordable housing

Green Party

Thursday 13 September 2007, 12:36PM

By Green Party



Auckland Green Party MP Sue Bradford has expressed outrage at the election promise by Auckland mayoral candidate John Banks to scrap a council scheme to help low income Aucklanders into housing.

'I thought John Banks had learned his lesson and become more sensitive to the problems that face less wealthy Aucklanders, but apparently not,” Ms Bradford, the Greens Housing Spokesperson, says.

'Not content with having organised the sale of Auckland City's pensioner housing during his earlier term as Mayor, he is now saying that should he regain office this time around he will overturn one of the most progressive actions the current Council has taken.

'The Green Party has been delighted with Auckland City's increasing involvement with issues of homelessness and housing affordability. The current council leadership at least, thinks it important to engage with the problems of the not so well off in our city.

'I would hate to see a return to the days when the city is run almost entirely in the interests of the wealthy, and I hope voters will note Mr Banks latest reactionary pledge when their votes are cast next month.

“Housing affordability is a critical issue for Aucklanders and for the country as a whole. Mr Banks needs to be told that the ‘let it rip’ era – when candidates could get elected by rejecting any responsibility for finding or implementing solutions to this city’s complex problems – is over,” Ms Bradford says.