Environment Canterbury Commissioners deliver 'a lesson for Wellington'

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Saturday 27 November 2010, 10:35AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Environment Canterbury is showing refreshing leadership for the entire government sector, with its Commissioners aiming to cap next year’s rates take at this year’s amount.

“Environment Canterbury’s Commissioners are showing excellent prudence in a week, which saw Standard & Poor put New Zealand’s foreign currency credit rating on a negative outlook,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.

“ECan is delivering a lesson in fiscal prudence to Wellington. Its Commissioners are asking their managers for a root and branch review of all council activities to define what is core and what is not.

“In aiming to keep its rates at this year’s level, ECan is providing leadership for the entire government sector and that’s got to be applauded by farmers.

“These Commissioners are showing true grit and true leadership.

“If ECan can do this following the Canterbury earthquake, there is no reason why other councils around the country can’t follow suit. This is about spending choices and prioritisation – realising councils cannot be everything to everybody.

“We realise ECan’s rate allocation is yet to be set – who gets charged rates and for what – but ECan’s ambition is refreshing and bold,” Mr Nicolson concluded.