Want to know NZ's position on the TPP – go ask the Sultan

Green Party

Wednesday 8 December 2010, 1:36PM

By Green Party


The New Zealand public has the right to the same information given to the Sultan of Brunei and officials from the other countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.

Papers drafted by New Zealand officials have been provided to the other governments involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, such as the Sultanate of Brunei. Yet they have not been released to the people of New Zealand.

“New Zealander’s have a right to know what is at stake in regard to the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations,” said Dr Norman.

“This Agreement is about far more than just tariffs and free trade.

“An expansion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership could affect our ability to draft anti-smoking laws, restrict foreign ownership, and impact on Pharmac’s drug purchasing policies.

“The Government claims that the release of these position papers could jeapordise New Zealand's negotiating position in the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks. But these papers have already been provided to the other governments engaged in the negotiations.

“The only way the release of these papers could jeapordise the negotiations is if the people of New Zealand find out what the Government is proposing to give away and start to object,” said Dr Norman.