Flight Centre Social Media Expansion Takes Off

Charity Matters

Thursday 16 December 2010, 7:24AM

By Charity Matters


Jobseekers are being asked to submit LinkedIn, Blog and Twitter details – rather than traditional resumes – as part of an innovative recruitment program launched by Flight Centre Limited (FLT).

The global travel company today outlined plans to capitalise on the growing interest in social media by recruiting fulltime specialists in Australia, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

When applying for the social media specialist positions, candidates are simply asked to demonstrate their relevant experience by providing links to their Blog, Twitter profile, LinkedIn profiles and two other social sites, in addition to outlining in 140 characters or less why they are the person the company needs to hire.

“Our social media specialists will effectively be paid to do what they’re already passionate about – blogging, tweeting, building communities and travelling the world,” FLT global social media leader Gregg Tilston said.

“Given that we are looking for people who are passionate about social media, we can learn more from blogs, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn than we can from traditional resumes.

“While there’s no doubt many employers still pay close attention to resumes, the social media channels look certain to play a more important role in the hiring process in the future.”

FLT’s social media specialists will be responsible for coordinating social media strategy, content and initiatives within their international markets, developing internal and external communities and supporting the company’s marketing campaigns.

Key competencies include blogging experience, customer focus, communication skills and community and relationship building skills.

“The candidates we are looking for will have an in-depth knowledge of the various social media offerings and the ability to communicate with and engage with customers and prospective travellers.

“We are a progressive company and are already using new forms of media to communicate with our customers as part of our overall marketing strategies

“By expanding our team and our capabilities in this area, we will remain at the forefront of developments as this industry continues to evolve and as the various channels gain popularity.”

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