Everyone's using handheld devices – so why not bring real music to life with them

Charity Matters

Friday 14 January 2011, 4:48PM

By Charity Matters


The AmpliTube iRig is a combination of an easy-to-use instrument interface adapter and guitar and bass tone mobile software.
With AmpliTube iRig, you can plug your guitar into your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad and jam anywhere with world class guitar and bass tone right in the palm of your hand - from the leader in studio-class guitar and bass software.

Simply plug the iRig interface into your mobile device, plug your instrument into the appropriate input jack, plug in your headphones, amp or powered speakers. Download 'AmpliTube FREE' version for iPhone or for iPad, and start rocking!

You’ll have at your fingertips the sound and control up to 4 recombinable simultaneous stompbox effects + amplifier + cabinet + microphone just like a traditional guitar or bass stage rig!

Add amps and effects as you need them — you can expand your rig with up to 11 stomps, 5 amps, 5 cabinets and 2 microphones in the AmpliTube iRig app custom shop.

Don’t miss seeing the IK Multimedia iRig on TVNZ’s Breakfast’s Gadget Section this coming Wednesday (19 Jan), when the gadget Team (John Buckley and Corrin Dann) will review it.

The iRig and the Amplitube App (available from the Apple App Store) are two of the hottest new toys for 2011 and are a must have for any guitarist.

The iRig is available from:
Jansen Pro Audio and Lighting
Rubber Monkey
Magnum Mac – New Market

Don’t forget to check out other IK Multimedia products at

More information:

Annelise Vickery
Jansen Professional Audio & Lighting
P: +64 9 306 1929