Air NZ paints the sky pink with themed flight

Air New Zealand

Monday 17 September 2007, 6:55PM

By Air New Zealand


Attention passengers, Air New Zealand is now boarding rows one through FABULOUS. Today, the airline announced its first North American “Pink Flight,” in celebration of the 2008 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. Departing on a Boeing 777 from San Francisco International Airport on February 26, 2008, the Pink Flight will sweep its passengers away in style from one side of the Pacific to the other, lavishing upon them everything from pink drinks to drag queens.

For more than 300 glamorous gays (and any other fun-loving friends) who buy tickets, the party will start far before the final boarding call. Pink Flight passengers are encouraged to show up at the airport in their most extravagant Mardi Gras costumes, and Air New Zealand will throw a “Get-Onboard-Girlfriend!” going away bash at the departure gate.

Once onboard, the Pink Flight will boast a full program of entertainment – such as live performances, on-board music, contests and screenings of classic gay-themed films on Air New Zealand’s digital in-flight entertainment system (IFE). Because it is an overnight flight, there will also be a period of scheduled “Beauty Sleep.” Additionally, passengers will enjoy pink-themed food, cocktails, goodie bags and a “Party Party Wake-Up” before landing.

“Sydney Mardi Gras is one of the most spectacular costume events in the world, so we feel it’s only fitting to offer a flight that truly embodies the spirit of the celebration in an unforgettable way,” said Roger Poulton, Air New Zealand’s vice president – the Americas. “Air New Zealand takes pride in our gay-friendliness and sense of fun, so this Pink Flight will be a blast for everyone involved!”

Along with the announcement of the flight, Air New Zealand is also launching today a special micro site for the Pink Flight,, where visitors can book their spot.

Earlier this year, Air New Zealand operated its first-ever Pink Flight, which flew from Auckland to Sydney for the 2007 Mardi Gras. The flight, which featured similar themed activities, was a resounding success and scored international media attention.

As the national airline of New Zealand, Air New Zealand reflects the country’s diversity-embracing nature. New Zealand has a long history of liberal social reform and is also widely recognized as a friendly vacation destination for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons. New Zealand voted the world’s first transgender person into a national office when Georgina Beyer was elected to Parliament in 1999, and same-sex civil unions were recognized as an institution in New Zealand in 2004.

For more information about Air New Zealand’s Pink Flight, or to purchase a ticket, visit