Flowers and four-legged fiends
Possums in your petunias or bunnies in your broccoli? New Plymouth's Tupare is the place to be on Sunday afternoon (30 January) if your home garden is plagued by four-legged pests.
The Taranaki Regional Council's Animal Pest Manager, Steve Ellis, will lead a free public workshop on pest animals in the garden.
"We'll be looking at what you can do about pest animals invading your garden," says Mr Ellis. "We'll focus on pest animals such as possums, feral cats and rabbits, but wasps and Argentine ants will also be covered.
"We'll also talk about the ways you can tell if possums or rabbits are visiting your gardens. This may help you to get it sorted promptly."
Mr Ellis says pests like possums and rabbits are generally regarded as a rural problem but town-dwellers also need to be aware of the threat they pose.
"Most farmers are well aware of the rules and requirements surrounding pest animals and understand the reasons, both environmental and economic. This workshop is a chance for urban folk to learn about these pests, and the best way to manage them."
The workshop is part of a series of free public events at Tupare, Pukeiti and Hollard Gardens, three heritage properties owned and managed by the Taranaki Regional Council on behalf of the people of the region.
All three properties are open daily and entry is free.
For more information, see, and The Regional Gardens are also on Facebook (TaranakiRegionalGardens) and Twitter (TaranakiRG).