Does safe gas and electrical work matter to you?

Tuesday 1 February 2011, 8:36AM

By Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment


The safety of gas and electrical work is important to every New Zealander, according to Energy Safety and the Department of Building and Housing.

For that reason, feedback from consumers and tradespeople on the current regimes for certifying electrical and gas fitting work is now being sought.

In the current certification system, gas and electrical workers issue a formal Certificate of Compliance. This means the person doing gas or electrical work is accountable for that work.

“The government’s Gas and Electrical Certification and Fees Review will determine if the current certification system is working well, and if the associated fees reflect good value for consumers,” said Mark Wogan, Operations Manager of Energy Safety.

“I encourage people to have their say – the gas and certification regime is a key part of energy safety. It is important to ensure energy safety is balanced with commercial realities and public safety.”

Consumers, gas and electricity bodies, tradespeople, and anyone with an interest in energy safety, certification or fees are invited to make a written submission by 5.00pm Friday 4 March 2011.

A discussion document and further information on the review and consultation process is available at