Monthly retail trade survey moves to quarterly

Statistics New Zealand

Friday 11 February 2011, 12:52PM

By Statistics New Zealand



Statistics New Zealand will no longer be releasing monthly retail trade data. The current monthly Retail Trade Survey (RTS) release will become a quarterly survey of retail sales and stocks, collecting sales for the quarter rather than every month.

By making this change, Statistics NZ:

  • rationalises the production of two similar monthly indicators of consumption expenditure – retail trade and electronic card transactions
  • reduces monthly business survey data collection, which lessens the load on respondents
  • continues to provide a range of short-term economic indicators.

Quarterly retail trade statistics, including regional and industrial breakdowns, will still be published – to meet the need for detailed information.

The December 2010 quarter RTS release on 14 February 2011 will be the last release of monthly information.

Monthly RTS statistics are mainly used by analysts and commentators as an early indicator of changes in consumption expenditure. Statistical analysis indicates that movements in the monthly Electronic Card Transactions(ECT) series are a reasonable substitute for the monthly retail figures in indicating changes in household consumption expenditure.

The monthly ECT series will continue to be produced, providing an early indicator of change in consumption expenditure.

ECT is a monthly census of electronic card transactions processed in New Zealand. It includes all debit, credit, and charge card transactions with New Zealand-based merchants and includes goods and services tax.

The first release of the new quarterly Retail Trade Survey will be on 13 May 2011.

Geoff Bascand 11 February 2011

Government Statistician