Kiwis Say No To A Date with Dandruff - Survey

Impact PR

Monday 14 February 2011, 8:22AM

By Impact PR


If you’re single this Valentine’s Day then the answer why could be resting on your shoulders! A new survey released today shows that the majority of Kiwis wouldn’t date someone with dandruff.

The independent Head & Shoulders* study found that three quarters (75%) of Kiwis would be less inclined to go on a date with someone with noticeable dandruff with over 77% of females and 73% of males saying they would be put off by its appearance.

The nationwide survey looked at New Zealanders attitudes towards hair and common hair conditions.

An overwhelming number of Kiwi respondents said that they found dandruff unsightly with 85% confirming they thought having visible dandruff would make them less attractive to people.

Some respondents went a step further with over a tenth (12%) saying they felt repulsed by dandruff sufferers.

Kiwis were also adamant they wouldn’t be willing to use the hairstyling tools of someone with the common condition. Almost all of those surveyed (95%) said they wouldn’t use a friend’s hairbrush if they had visible dandruff.

The news wasn’t all bad for dandruff sufferers with just under half of the respondents (42%) saying they felt pity for those people with it.

The survey was carried out in conjunction with the launch of new Head & Shoulders Scalp Care shampoo and conditioners.


Notes to editors * Head & Shoulders Survey was conducted by Perceptive Research in January/February 2011. The survey was conducted online with a sample size of n=1,000 New Zealanders, representative of the population and has a margin of error ±3.1%.

Research Findings:

One third of Kiwis 34% said they scratch their head when nervous
Over half of females (53%) said someone scratching their head makes them want to scratch theirs.
Less than a third of Kiwi males (28%) said someone scratching their head makes them want to scratch theirs