Auckland Airport to appeal Commerce Commission's final determination

Auckland Airport

Thursday 17 February 2011, 2:12PM

By Auckland Airport


Auckland International Airport Limited (Auckland Airport) advises that it is appealing the Commerce Commission’s final determination on input methodologies for airport information disclosure regulation.

Auckland Airport’s general manager corporate affairs, Charles Spillane, said “Auckland Airport recognises the purpose of regulation in protecting the interests of consumers, particularly in industries such as aviation where there are high costs of entry and a limited number of players.

"However Auckland Airport also believes that the information disclosure regime was meant to be a light-handed form of regulation that appropriately reflects the unique nature of the airport sector, which is delivering great outcomes for consumers".

“We therefore remain committed to participating in this process, which has already taken some years, in order to find an appropriate balance between consumer interests and fair and reasonable incentives for long-term investment and innovation in essential tourism capacity,” said Mr Spillane.

Auckland Airport is very focused on investing in the delivery of choice, competition and value to consumers, and on investing in the long-term infrastructure and efficiencies required to provide a great experience for travellers. All of this needs to be done on the basis that a fair and reasonable return can be made on that investment.

“A regulatory framework which gets this balance right is absolutely essential if the ongoing and significant investment required to continue to drive growth in New Zealand’s tourism industry is to be made,” said Mr Spillane.

The merits appeal is intended to address aspects of the final determination which Auckland Airport believes do not sufficiently balance consumer and investor interests, or recognise the interests of consumers in the long-term provision of capacity for growth at airports.