Rising dairy prices could cost the environment

Green Party

Monday 21 February 2011, 8:21AM

By Green Party


The rise in dairy prices will be very bad news for the environment unless the Government acts swiftly to implement clear rules for clean water, and puts a moratorium on diary conversions until these rules are in place, said the Green Party today.

“The rise in dairy prices will fuel a new wave of dairy conversion and intensification which will further pollute our already distressed rivers and lakes,” said Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman.

Dr Norman was responding to Fonterra’s prediction that high milk prices are about to get higher as emerging markets drive up global commodity demand.

“The links between dairy intensification and environmental degradation are absolutely clear. We need a moratorium on dairy conversions and on further dairy intensification until there are clear rules for clean water,” said Dr Norman.

The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research stated recently: “There is no doubt that our declining water quality over the last 20 years is associated with intensification of pastoral farming and the conversion of drystock farmland to dairy farming.”

“In many places around the country, corporate dairy agribusiness is robbing people of their birthright to enjoy our rivers and beaches. Over the 2009-2010 summer only 57% of the nation’s monitored freshwater swimming spots were safe for swimming,” Dr Norman said.

“The intensive dairy industry is the key driver of the freshwater crisis on our hands, and we need rules to control it before we allow further dairy intensification.

“Good clean water rules are ready to go in the form of a National Policy Statement (NPS) on Freshwater Management. All they need is Environment Minister Nick Smith's signature, but he is sitting on his hands.

“Over the last decade the Labour Government stood aside while agribusiness polluted and drained our rivers, and John Key’s Government is currently doing the same. But Nick Smith could take the first steps in protecting our rivers and lakes by signing the NPS into law without delay.

“With the milk price rise likely to cause further dairy intensification and environmental degradation, we need clean water rules now.

“Furthermore, if we are to also avoid a dramatic increase in taxpayer subsidised greenhouse emissions from the dairy corporations, we also need a proper price on carbon,” said Dr Norman.

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research quotation:

Swimming spot safety statistic: