Telecom and Vodafone reject rural New Zealand

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Tuesday 22 February 2011, 12:29PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Vodafone and Telecom, preferred bidders for the $300 million Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI), were late withdrawals from today’s Federated Farmers rural broadband solutions meeting. This is despite the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) giving both companies not only the green light, but encouragement to attend.

“While Telecom and Vodafone may cite “negotiations with the MED,” it’s an argument that holds no water with the MED. It’s an excuse and a poor one at that,” says Donald Aubrey, Federated Farmers Telecommunications spokesperson.

“Federated Farmers had specifically spoken to the MED and MED officials had no issue with either Vodafone or Telecom participating in today’s rural broadband solutions meeting. In fact they actively encouraged it.

“Vodafone and Telecom’s refusal to engage with Federated Farmers and the 1.1 million Kiwis deemed rural is not an auspicious start for the $300 million RBI.

“Today’s rural broadband solutions meeting is an excellent example of bringing parties together for the benefit of the rural community.

“Collaboration has been a catch-cry from Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister, the Hon Steven Joyce. In fact, when he shortlisted Telecom and Vodafone he encouraged all parties to talk.

“Is Telecom and Vodafone’s actions today a lesson as to what rural New Zealand may expect from them in the future?

“I find it wholly unsatisfactory given Minister Joyce encouraged other players to engage with Vodafone and Telecom. That’s what today was aiming to facilitate, but there seems to be a worrying ‘we won, you lost, get over it’ attitude still prevalent.

“The Government is entrusting Vodafone and Telecom with $300 million of public money to deliver broadband to some 1.1 million New Zealanders. They need to outline to industry and to stakeholders their plans and timeline to deliver.

“Federated Farmers is hopeful a leopard could change its spots. Less charitable commentators could well say this is business as usual from the duopoly. Will this be good for our hardworking rural people?

“As for the MED and Minister Joyce, I just hope they note Vodafone and Telecom’s intransigence,” Mr Aubrey concluded.