Condolences for Christchurch

Green Party

Tuesday 22 February 2011, 3:56PM

By Green Party



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The Green Party has extended its condolences to the people of Christchurch and Canterbury and its support for the Government’s emergency response.

“Our thoughts are with everyone in Christchurch,” Green Party Co-leaders Russel Norman and Metiria Turei said today. “Our hearts go out to all those who are affected; the injured and frightened, and the families missing loved ones.”

“We say to the people of Canterbury – you are not alone, all of New Zealand stands with you.

“We fear the worst but are hoping for the best.”

Green MP and Christchurch resident Kennedy Graham said the Party had offered its support to the Government for the immediate civil defence response: “We will do what we can to assist. This is a time for all of Parliament to work together to help the people of Christchurch.”

Dr Graham plans to return to Christchurch as soon as possible to support local constituents.