Sky Tower turns Red in Support of Red Cross appeal
SKYCITY will turn the Sky Tower red tonight in support of an appeal launched today by the New Zealand Red Cross in response to yesterday’s events in Christchurch.
The Red Cross says that the Sky Tower will be a beckon of hope for Christchurch people to know Aucklanders do care and a way of symbolising that care.
The appeal is called the “New Zealand Red Cross 2011 Earthquake Appeal” and all funds will be used towards the New Zealand Red Cross response to the disaster, including transport and provision of goods.
The Red Cross say that: “As weeks go by, different needs will be identified and Red Cross, there for the long haul with your help, will be meeting them.”
Donations to this appeal can be made to:
Cheque: New Zealand Red Cross 2011 Earthquake Appeal, Freepost 232690, PO Box 12140, Thorndon, Wellington 6144
Direct Credit Transfer to our Special Appeal Bank Account: Kiwibank 38-9009-0759479-00. Account name: RED CROSS.
Direct Credit Transfer to our Special Appeals Bank Account: ASB 12-3192-0015998-02
Any branch of PostShop, Kiwibank, ASB and ANZ.