Government puts export fears ahead of consumer rights

Green Party

Wednesday 19 September 2007, 7:35PM

By Green Party


Green Party MP Sue Kedgley has strongly criticised Trade Minister Phil Goff for confirming in Parliament today that the Government is putting the export drive of the meat and dairy industry ahead of the rights of New Zealand and American consumers to know where their food comes from.

“Mr. Goff confirmed in Parliament today that the Government had lobbied the US Department of Agriculture to oppose a proposal for country of origin labelling that will relate primarily to single ingredient foods such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables – something that is strongly supported by American consumers – because it was concerned it could affect our meat and dairy exports,” Ms Kedgley says.

“In both the US and New Zealand, polls indicate that the overwhelming majority of consumers want mandatory country of origin labelling. This is essential consumer information in the same way as is ingredient labelling, or the nutrition panel.

“Many countries - including Australia and some in Europe - already have some form of mandatory country of origin labelling, and New Zealand is swimming against the tide in obdurately denying this right to New Zealand consumers.

“In Parliament Mr Goff denied there was any link between country of origin labelling and food safety - but that would only be the case if every country had in place excellent production and sanitary standards, and complied with them. That may be the world that Mr Goff inhabits, but it bears little resemblance to planet Earth,” Ms Kedgley says.

“How can the Government claim that country of origin is not a food safety issue when global food scandals, particularly regarding exports from China, have led to product withdrawals, and to food being held at the US border until proven safe?

“Does Mr Goff really believe that New Zealand and China for instance, have the same standards on food safety, environmental protection and worker conditions?

“The reality is that many countries do not have proper quality control and food safety regulations in place and consumers have every right to want to buy food from certain countries, and avoid it from others.

“Mr Goff's statements in Parliament demonstrate how out of step the Government is with ordinary New Zealanders. Instead of listening to New Zealanders, he was effectively saying that governments know best,” Ms Kedgley says.