Auckland needs to be strong and passionate to build the best city it can ......

Auckland Chamber of Commerce

Thursday 3 March 2011, 7:13AM

By Auckland Chamber of Commerce



The best thing Auckland can do for New Zealand right now is be successful.

“If it’s not going to be central government that funds the essential projects Auckland needs, then Auckland should reassess its own resources,” suggests Auckland Chamber head Michael Barnett.

“It’s about our attitude. When times get tough we have a choice – we can curl into the foetal position and wait for the storm to pass, or we can back ourselves to look at every possible option to achieve our goals.”

Right now, the rest of New Zealand needs a successful Auckland as never before.

“We are New Zealand’s financial and business capital, we have a new Auckland Council with a $30 billion asset base to leverage from. Between the public and private sectors in Auckland, I’m sure there is scope to create a resourceful, resilient partnership to ensure Auckland maintains the forward momentum on major projects it has generated in recent years.”

“Our businesses need to be reassured that Auckland will back them to get on with growing, creating wealth and generating jobs.

“I just repeat: this is no time for Auckland to be going into its shell. We are a third of the nation’s economy. We have a duty to ourselves and the rest of the nation to be strong, stand tall and get on with making Auckland the best city it can be….”