100% Pure wins Prize

GE Free NZ

Wednesday 9 March 2011, 7:06AM

By GE Free NZ


GE-FREE NZ in Food and Environment members congratulate Steffan Browning on winning this year’s Te Orangi Kaupapa Trust Environmental Award. Mr. Browning has worked tirelessly in keeping the New Zealand environment safe for future generations, and defending the clean, green, natural New Zealand brand that underpins our export economy.

As the Marlborough Green Party electoral candidate Mr. Browning was surprised by the Award and spoke about the interconnectedness of land management, water quality and the marine environment which is integral to our economy and the health and welfare of the urban and rural community.

“Mr. Browning’s has highlighted the many dangers to our environment” said Claire Bleakley president of GE-FREE NZ. “He has helped to rein in the cavalier attitudes of those conducting GE trials and shone a light on the lack of accountability and transparency around the safety of pesticides and GMO’s.”