AA needs to get real about oil price response

Green Party

Wednesday 9 March 2011, 9:54AM

By Green Party


The Green Party is calling for the Automobile Association (AA) to be upfront with Kiwi motorists that more is needed for the country to face oil price shocks than just efficient driving tips.

“Advising people to ‘pump up their tires, go easy on the breaks and close the windows’ is simply a band-aid covering up our severe dependence on oil for transport,” said Green Party Transport spokesperson Gareth Hughes.

“We know that fuel prices will continue to fluctuate in the future, and that there is a serious risk of sustained high prices and shocks.

“The AA has for decades lobbied against increased Government investment in smarter transport like trains, buses and infrastructure for cycling, which would have increased New Zealand’s resilience.

“They need to make up for lost time now, and lobby on behalf of their members for more and better transport options, and for the Government to develop a plan to deal with price shocks.

“This means reprioritising the central government transport spend away from a few uneconomic motorways, to real alternatives like an Auckland CBD rail loop and streets that are safe and convenient for walking and cycling.

“Providing efficient driving tips is a good service, but useless without acknowledging that decades of prioritising and subsidising cars have left us dependant on expensive fuel.”

Research from Colmar Brunton in August found 72 percent of New Zealanders wanted the Government to prepare for future oil price rises by investing in alternative fuels and public transport.

Mr Hughes said the last time petrol was over $2 a litre, New Zealanders switched to public transport, which also reduced congestion more than new motorway connections.

"The Government will need to accommodate a sustained influx of train passengers and invest in fuel-efficient transport solutions like the Auckland CBD Rail Loop and the Wellington light rail project. The AA needs to get behind these projects,” said Mr Hughes.

Link to story with AA advice:

Link to results of Colmar Brunton poll: