Queenstown's Youth Advocate Trusts merge

Monday 14 March 2011, 1:00PM

By Southern Public Relations



Wakatipu youth work starts a new era on 1 April 2011 with the merger of the town’s two trusts supporting youth in the district.

Wakatipu District Youth Trust and Queenstown Life Trust unanimously agreed the merger would make their vital work to sustain, support and advocate for youth in this high pressured resort town more sustainable, WDYT chair Tanya Surrey said.

The Wakatipu District Youth Trust was established by a group wanting to support youth in the area. Queenstown Life Trust was the brainchild of Charles and Rose Fraser who sought to provide a youth centre in Queenstown and got the X-It youth venue up and running.

The merged trust - Wakatipu Youth Trust - will continue to run the X-It youth venue and Summit youth workers. Ms Surrey said the need for youth worker support and a specific youth venue would only increase in the future.

“The need for youth support workers is stronger in the Wakatipu than most areas, because of our transient population and the high number of immigrants who lack the family and long-term community support they would often find in their home towns.

“This lack of familial and community support affects children as much as their parents,” Ms Surrey said.

Merging the two trusts would combine their strengths and give more flexibility and continuity for youth programmes and services offered. It would also mean the X-It youth venue could be open more hours.

Ms Surrey, who will chair the merged trust, said all trustees had committed to continue for at least six months to ensure the merged trust’s firm footing.

She said that feedback from funding agencies and other donors, on whom the trust would continue to rely for its existence, in response to the merger had been positive.

"Like us, they see the work our four youth workers do in town and around the district’s schools as a vital part of our community’s strength and resilience. And like us, they believe that we can do this more efficiently and more effectively as one trust rather than two."