CPIT Programmes up and running

Wednesday 16 March 2011, 4:07PM





CPIT staff were delighted to welcome many of their students back to class this week following huge efforts to relocate programmes that would have normally been run from the city campus.

CPIT Chief Executive Kay Giles praised staff whose work has resulted in many academic programmes being successfully rescheduled and relocated to CPIT’s Sullivan Ave campus, Lincoln University, the Cashmere Club and other venues.

“This week’s start to some of our programmes, here at Sullivan Ave Campus and other venues, is an absolute testament to the commitment and tireless efforts of CPIT staff over the last few weeks in working together and with our communities - during hugely challenging circumstances,” she said.

“Despite the exceptional circumstances, I am incredibly proud and encouraged by the way in which we have all pulled together to ensure the safety of our staff and students and to restarting classes as soon as possible.”

All trades programmes are running from Sullivan Ave as normal and International English students temporarily moved there on Monday while Te Puna Wanaka’s students set up at the Cashmere Club.

Several courses will soon be relocated to Lincoln University including nursing and science courses.

Hospitality students, music theatre students and musical arts students have all been relocated around the city.

All International Student Support Services are now available from the Sullivan Ave campus. Staff members across the institution have worked to adjust their programmes and timetables to accommodate the changed circumstances.

Logistical challenges have been many and varied, from re-establishing IT and communications to confirming campus and building safety at alternate venues.

The CPIT website has been a major source of the latest information for students.