Climate Change policies couldn't come soon enough says Maori Party
“The time to debate climate change is over” said Tariana Turia, Environment Spokesperson for the Maori Party.
“The effects of global climate change are being felt on the ground” says Tariana Turia. “The impacts of droughts, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, species and biodiversity loss and many other natural phenomenon are increasing in severity and frequency”.
“We welcome the Government’s announcement that ‘everyone can have sustainability', which in our mind, couldn’t come a day too early” said Mrs Turia.
“The Government’s proposed Emissions Trading Scheme to tackle climate change looks great – but where are the milestones, reporting dates, goals and targets to move from 'policy-speak' to action on the ground?” asked Mrs Turia.
“What we already know from our experience with the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People is that this is a Government which rejects aspirations, but in reality, everyone needs objectives to aim for” said Mrs Turia.
“We have to move from a war of words, to specific actions which will reduce emissions” said Mrs Turia.
“We are also cautious in light of advice from Greenpeace that major polluters, the big energy users stand to benefit from windfall profits under the scheme from free subsidies” said Mrs Turia.
“Climate change is too urgent, too critical for the big industry polluters to make money from business as usual” said Mrs Turia. “We need a comprehensive commitment which supports New Zealanders in pioneering low-carbon ways of life as well as encouraging corporates to generate actual renewable energy projects”.
"Unless there are specified caps and targets to incrementally reduce emissions, carbon trading will be ineffective. We need to see real reductions in the use of fossil fuels - where use is actually replaced, not just merely supplemented", said Mrs Turia.
“As the only independent Maori voice in Parliament, and occupying four of the seven Maori electorate seats, we will, of course, be looking forward to an invitation from the Minister of Maori Affairs about how our constituency can be involved in the Maori Reference Group he is establishing to provide advice on all of these proposals” said Mrs Turia.