Lamb Country Festival Logo Competition Top 10 Entries Announced

Monday 21 March 2011, 1:42PM

By Lamb Country



Central Hawke’s Bay Promotions are pleased with the overwhelming response to the Lamb Country Logo Competition. The logo competition was open to all creative New Zealand residents, who were invited to design a logo that best represents Lamb Country, Central Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

“The response to the competition has been terrific. The calibre of all the entries was extremely high and we were most impressed by how artists interpreted Lamb Country, Central Hawke’s Bay in such diverse ways. It’s going to be a hard decision to select the Overall Winner and for public to vote on their favourite in the Peoples Choice Award.” says Tourism Marketing & Communications Manager, Christine Shanahan.

There were over thirty entries from as far afield as Nelson. The age group stretched from a retiree to one talented and keen six year old. Not all people who entered the competition were designers; there were a number of quality entries from local farmers and Mum’s.

The Top 10 entries were selected by representatives from CHB Promotions Inc and industry experts at one of Hawke’s Bay leading design agency Band. The Top 10 selection criteria was based on three factors; how the logo represented Central Hawke’s Bay, originality and a good idea that could be further developed into an iconic New Zealand brand.

Al Mackie, who is a director at Band, says, “What we were looking for in the top entries was that X-Factor, a bit of wit and something that was memorable. Central Hawke’s Bay is such a great place, and it deserves a great logo.”

The Top 10 Entries are as follows in no particular order:
Melissa McCormack from Hastings, Sarah Harding from Tauranga, Andrew Hall from Hastings, Gavin Boyd from Waipukurau, Natasha Van Tuel from Napier, Jono Craig from Waipukurau, George Williams from Wellington and three entries from Rochelle Alder of Onga Onga.

There will be two winners, the Peoples Choice Award voted by the public and Overall Winner. The Peoples Choice award winner will receive an Olympus 600UZ valued at $399 from Amcal Pharmacy. The Overall winner will work with the agency Band to develop their logo into an iconic brand. The Lamb Country Logo will be used for all marketing collateral for Lamb Country.

The public will have a chance to vote for their Top 10 favourite entry for the Peoples Choice Award. The Top 10 entries will be displayed on the window at Tee Jays Emporium on Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau from Saturday 19 March until Thursday 24 March and viewed You can vote for your favourite numbered entry by emailing, online or drop into the Waipukurau Information Centre at the Railway Station.

The two winners of the Lamb Country Logo Competition will be announced on Friday 25th March at the Lamb Country Launch at Civic Theatre from 6pm – all welcome to attend.

The Lamb Festival is part of the Real New Zealand Festival that surrounds the World Cup Rugby 2011. The September Lamb Country Festival will promote Central Hawkes Bay to the world capitalising on our natural strengths. A full schedule of events will be released soon at the Lamb Country Launch.

Lamb Country Competition Key Dates:
Top 10 Public Voting: Saturday 19 March – Thursday 24 March, 2011
Winner Announced: Friday 25 March, 2011 at Lamb Country Launch 6pm, Civic Theatre, Waipukurau