Images in Vice magazine needed age restriction

Green Party

Sunday 27 March 2011, 2:17PM

By Green Party


Green Party Women’s Affairs Spokesperson Catherine Delahunty today confirmed that she had lodged a complaint with the Office of Film and Literature Classification concerning a recent issue of Vice magazine depicting nude young women in scenes of bondage.

“Disturbing images like this need age restriction,” Ms Delahunty said.

“The women in these images look young. They are depicted tied up in poses suggesting sexual bondage, with potentially violent or sinister undertones.

“It is my understanding that Vice magazine is distributed freely in clothes shops, music shops, and cafes.

“While the Green Party strongly affirms the right to freedom of expression, with freedom comes responsibility.

“Images like this should be subject to age restriction, and should not be published without a warning about the graphic nature of the content.

“Anyone, including underage young men and women, could have picked up this magazine in a café.

“As a subsection of the population, young women are vulnerable to violence and sexual abuse. Many individuals and organisations work very hard to empower young women and educate them about keeping safe. Images that normalise sexual violence are extremely unhelpful.

“I have lodged a complaint with the Office of Film and Literature Classification suggesting that Vice magazine breached the requirement that age-restricted material should not be distributed to underage people.

“I encourage others disturbed by the free distribution of these images to do the same.”