Hygiene Supplies for Chch Offices Re-establishing After Quake

Wednesday 30 March 2011, 4:34PM

By Cannon Consumables


Canterbury businesses re-establishing themselves in new premises have particular challenges in a post-quake environment, especially with water being restricted and in many cases, the usual cleaning processes no longer in place.

Cannon Consumables has a range of products available through their online store, which marketing manager Carole Norris says is ideal for companies who have relocated, possibly don't have access to their usual cleaning and kitchen products supplier, and are dealing with the other consequences of post-quake Christchurch.

"We know there are a lot of businesses setting up again from scratch, so sitting down and putting through an order online may be an ideal option. Keeping in mind the lack of fresh, drinkable water and the need to be extra careful about hygiene, products including hand sanitisers, paper towels, paper towel dispensers and disposable plastic cups, plates and cutlery may be particularly relevant."

Since the September and February earthquakes, the company has sold 6,000 litres of hand sanitiser to Canterbury businesses alone.

Cannon staff are trained to provide a high level of service, which is especially important when businesses are under the additional stress of setting up from scratch in premises that are often less than ideal, and where they have not been able to get the usual kitchen or cleaning equipment in place.

"The Christchurch earthquake is a majorly disruptive event for everyone in Canterbury, and we are keen to provide whatever support we can for our business customers," Carole says.
