Governor-General enters social media world

Monday 4 April 2011, 3:02PM

By Government House


Government House logo
Government House logo Credit: Government House

Government House has established an Official Facebook Page and a Twitter account, on behalf of the Governor-General, to communicate with the thousands of New Zealanders using social media.

The entry of the Office of the Governor-General onto Facebook and Twitter recognises the growing importance and influence of social media and information and communication technology.

The Official Facebook Page and Twitter feed will promote content on its website (, including the activities of the incumbent Governor-General and spouse.

Niels Holm, the Official Secretary at Government House, said the use of social media by Government House aimed to enhance public awareness of the Governor-General’s role and make information more accessible.

“Given that many New Zealanders use social media as a primary communication tool, those who are interested in the Governor-General’s activities are able to access that information in a way that is more convenient,” said Mr Holm.

The move to social media follows on from the British Monarchy launching a Facebook and Twitter feed in late 2010, and allows organisations with Governor-General patronage, community groups and individuals to connect with the Office of the Governor-General in a new way. About a third of New Zealanders are estimated to have a Facebook account.

Rt Hon Sir Anand Satyanand said that given the significant number of individuals, organisations and community groups using Facebook and Twitter as key communication tools, it made sense to establish a social media presence.

“As a 21st century Governor-General, and one that has seen the increasing influence and importance of the internet in New Zealand, the move to integrate social media into our suite of communications was an inevitable and important progression,” said Sir Anand.

The Official Facebook page and Twitter feed will be managed by the Government House Public Affairs team.

Governor-General of New Zealand Facebook page:

Governor-General of New Zealand Twitter feed: