Govt's revealed energy agenda is from 19th century

Green Party

Monday 4 April 2011, 3:22PM

By Green Party


The Government’s leaked energy strategy reveals their incoherent economic plan to take us back to the 19th century, said the Green Party today.

“This strategy demonstrates how backwards-looking this Government is on energy,” said Green Party Energy spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham.

“They clearly do not have a logical, coherent plan.

“On one of the first pages of the document, the strategy acknowledges that oil prices and the cost of greenhouse gases will rise.

“But instead of developing a plan to reduce our reliance on these unsustainable energy sources, it goes on to prioritise fossil fuels like offshore oil drilling and lignite — the dirtiest coal,” said Dr Graham.

“It’s a short sighted economic strategy that will ultimately impoverish New Zealand, and will undermine international efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions.”

Dr Graham also said the Government had ignored a large number of quality submissions that supported the development of renewables, energy efficiency and new technology rather than exploiting fossil fuels and mineral resources.

“We can have a smart, green economy that delivers real prosperity – for that we need a smart, green Energy Strategy.

“New Zealand’s prosperity in the future will depend on investment in clean, green technology and sustainable jobs, not opening our shores to foreign companies to exploit a 19th century resource,” Dr Graham said.