More than 500 graduates to attend University of Canterbury graduate celebrations this month

University of Canterbury

Tuesday 5 April 2011, 3:17PM

By University of Canterbury



More than 500 graduates will attend the University of Canterbury’s special graduate celebrations for 2010 graduates in Christchurch and Auckland this month.

Following the earthquake of 22 February, the University of Canterbury Council made the decision to cancel its scheduled graduation ceremonies due to be held at the Christchurch Town Hall in the central city in April and will award degrees to 2010 graduands ‘in absentia’ at a meeting of the University of Canterbury Council on 18 April (i.e. without graduands attending a formal graduation ceremony).

At the time of that announcement the UC Council indicated that it would hold celebrations to appropriately recognise graduates’ achievements.

Thanks to support from the University of Canterbury Students’ Association and a very generous offer from the University of Auckland, UC was able to organise graduate celebrations in Auckland on 19 April and in Christchurch on 20 April.

“We are delighted to be welcoming our graduates, their families and friends to share in the graduate celebrations in Christchurch and Auckland,” said University of Canterbury Registrar, Jeff Field.

“We realise the importance of celebrating and acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our 2010 graduates. They have overcome adversity to complete their degree studies and have contributed a huge amount to the Christchurch community. We feel that the graduate celebrations will offer a much-needed opportunity for the UC community to come together in a positive way.”

The Canterbury Branch of the Federation of University Women has confirmed that it will be able to retrieve regalia from its premises in the Christchurch Arts Centre for students attending the graduate celebrations in Christchurch.

All graduates attending the Christchurch celebration will need to place an order and those who have already ordered, will need to re-submit some details using an online form on the UC website. Please go to for more information.

Separate information will be made available for graduates hiring regalia for the Auckland celebration.