Mental health linked to food costs

Labour Party

Wednesday 6 April 2011, 9:41AM

By Labour Party


Research from the University of Otago linking psychological distress with the increasing unaffordability of safe, nutritious food must be heeded, says Labour’s Associate Health spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.

“It is well-known that poor nutrition affects physical wellbeing but what is commonly ignored is the adverse effects malnutrition has on mental health.

“This survey of nearly 19,000 adults, male and female, and revealed that people who are food insecure--- that is, those who worry about not having enough to eat--- report higher levels of psychological distress.

“The rampant increase in the cost of living is not only making life harder for Kiwi families, but is creating long term health problems that are going to cost the country financially and socially if the Government doesn’t step in,” Iain Lees-Galloway said.

“The Government’s increase in GST means the basics are out of reach, this research tells us there is a definite link between poor nutrition and deteriorating mental health.

“The National-led Government has shown utter disregard for mental health services, public health and for hard working Kiwis who are struggling to make ends meet.

“Labour will implement policies that enhance food security such as cutting GST from fresh fruit and vegetables, and making the tax system fairer.

“New Zealanders need a government that is working for the many not the few. We need to work towards a health system which sees mental and physical health approached hand in hand,” Iain Lees-Galloway said.