Wide support for bill to complete establishment of new Electoral Commission

Simon Power

Wednesday 13 April 2011, 6:22PM

By Simon Power


Justice Minister Simon Power today welcomed the Justice and Electoral Committee’s unanimous report to Parliament on a bill which completes the amalgamation of electoral agencies.

The Electoral (Administration) Amendment Bill (No. 2) transfers the functions of the Chief Registrar of Electors to the Electoral Commission.

Mr Power said the establishment of the new Electoral Commission has been done in two stages to minimise the risk to the administration of November’s general election.

The first stage was completed on 1 October last year, when the Electoral Commission took over the functions of the Chief Electoral Officer and the previous Electoral Commission.

“I’m pleased this bill has received wide support from across the political spectrum to ensure New Zealand’s electoral reform is enduring,” Mr Power said.

“Once this bill is passed, the Electoral Commission will be a one-stop shop for all electoral matters.”

The bill also amends the Electoral Act to give effect to three recommendations made by the Justice and Electoral Select Committee following its inquiry into the 2008 general election.

In addition, it enables voters to update their enrolment details online – the first step in a process that will eventually allow people to enrol via the internet.

“Using the internet will make it as easy as possible for people to participate in elections, while ensuring the integrity of the electoral system is maintained.”

Mr Power said the Government supports the select committee’s recommendations, which include changing the date for the transfer of functions of the Chief Registrar of Electors to the Electoral Commission from 1 October next year to 1 July 2012.