New site chosen for central city second Bus Exchange

Environment Canterbury

Saturday 22 September 2007, 3:32PM

By Environment Canterbury



ECan chairman Sir Kerry Burke says it is good news that the Christchurch City Council has settled on a new bus exchange site, close to the existing Exchange on Lichfield St, but on the opposite, west side of Colombo St.

A site has been sought for some time given the congestion around the Bus Exchange and increasing popularity of the Metro system, which is managed by Environment Canterbury.

The site between 36 and 54 Lichfield St has two frontages – both to the one-way Lichfield St and the two-way Tuam St. “This offers superior access into and egress from the new site than the existing one,” Sir Kerry said.

“ECan has worked closely with the City Council on the Metro Strategy, which identified the need for an expanded Exchange. The Metro Strategy aims to deal with predicted traffic growth and congestion and the need to ensure the public transport system is an attractive, efficient alternative to the private motor car.”

Christchurch has the highest car ownership rate in New Zealand with 77% of residents travelling to work in cars. Traffic growth is continuing with a predicted further 20% increase over the next 15 years, equating to a 160% increase in traffic congestion.

Expanding the existing Exchange will improve passenger capacity, safety, comfort, information and operational efficiency, Sir Kerry said.

The Metro Strategy proposes a patronage target of 25 million passenger trips per year by 2015/16. Earlier this year, patronage in Christchurch hit 16 million trips per year – the highest since 1976.