Close-up view of ETS in action
A field day at Purangi on 5 May will offer a first-hand look at how one Taranaki property owner is taking up the opportunities and challenges of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
The field day will include a tour of the Purangi property, owned by Bob and Karen Schumacher, and presentations by ETS consultant Stuart Orme, of Woodnet, and Taranaki Regional Council staff.
The Schumachers have embraced carbon farming on the hillcountry run-off, and have already filed their first ETS return. They are keen to let other land-owners look at what they are doing and hear about some of the issues involved. The property has plantings ranging from 1.9 ha to 6 ha that are part of the ETS.
The field day will run from 10am to 1pm on Thursday, 5 May, and participants must bring their own quad bike and helmet. Lunch and light refreshments will be provided.
The property is on Aukawa Road, off Junction Road (extension of Tarata Road) between Purangi and Mangaoapa Road.