Driving to Rotorua from Auckland just got easier

Wednesday 20 April 2011, 4:34PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


 NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has added Rotorua's name to highway destination signs.
NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has added Rotorua's name to highway destination signs. Credit: New Zealand Transport Agency


Tourists will find it easier getting to Rotorua from Auckland now the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has added the city’s name to highway destination signs.

Eight existing green highway signs have been amended and 15 new ones have been installed in a bid to improve access to the North Island’s premier tourist destination.

The new signage begins at the bottom of the Bombay Hills. It directs drivers to take the most direct route, along State Highways 2 and 27 through Matamata, then through Tirau and over the Mamaku Range to Rotorua.

Kaye Clark, the NZTA’s State Highway Manager said the signs will provide a boost for tourism in Rotorua.

“We’ve received feedback over the years that people have had trouble finding the easiest route to Rotorua from Auckland and we decided it was time to help them out,” said Mrs Clark.

Rotorua mayor Kevin Winters welcomes the new signs and says they’re timely as Rotorua is hosting five international teams and three matches for this year’s Rugby World Cup.

“Rotorua expects several thousand extra visitors this year for World Cup games as well as visiting our iconic tourist attractions,” says Mayor Winters.

The signs have also been welcomed by local tourism organisation Destination Rotorua Tourism Marketing. DRTM general manager Don Gunn said visitors driving from the international gateway city of Auckland had found it frustrating for many years. He said tourists were often confused by a lack of signage giving clear direction on the best route to follow to get to Rotorua.

”We’re very pleased with the new signage programme on the highways as it will make the experience of our visitors travelling to Rotorua easier and much more enjoyable,” said Mr Gunn.