King Edward Street Facades Grant Well Received

Dunedin City Council

Thursday 21 April 2011, 12:12PM

By Dunedin City Council



In February this year, the Dunedin City Council launched a one-off grant for South Dunedin building owners to help improve the overall look of King Edward Street.
The grant offers funds for materials, equipment hire and labour towards cleaning and painting facades, and towards veranda maintenance work for building facades that face onto King Edward Street.
Mayor Dave Cull has been pleased with the responses to date, saying, "King Edward Street businesses and building owners have really embraced this initiative. We are delighted with the uptake of the grant so far and the work already carried out and we’re looking forward to seeing the committed work completed over the next couple of months."
Buildings that have commenced work with funds received from the grant include:
1. 151 and 153 King Edward Street. David Murray of PhysioMed says ‘It’s great to work with the DCC. The process has been fantastic and we are delighted with the result so far."
2. Neville Chin, the owner of 209 King Edward Street, says, “South Dunedin has always been the home of our business. To see the landlords and the DCC working together to beautify our suburb is wonderful. It is no doubt a small step in a big wider picture to revitalise our South Dunedin heritage.”