Slashing Family Court costs will hurt children

Labour Party

Thursday 21 April 2011, 1:32PM

By Labour Party


Labour’s Courts spokesperson Rick Barker says that the Government’s proposal to cut costs from the Family Court is deeply concerning.

“The Family Court is already underfunded and it is this underfunding that is causing significant delays,” Rick Barker said.

“These delays are about families who have turned to the state to resolve issues that they can't resolve themselves, with access to children one of the most crucial.

“The delays are already unacceptably long for too many,” Rick Barker said. “The legislation provides for mediation to help resolve these fundamental and important matters forfamilies, but the Government has consistently refused to fund this service.

“Families --- and particularly children --- are bearing the brunt of this.

“Funding cuts will not help these families,” Rick Barker said. “In fact, everything points to the situation getting worse, much worse.

“The Government must tell us why it wants longer queues waiting at the doors of Family Courts across the country.

“Any Government concerned about families should be looking to enhance the capability of the Family Court to assist families under stress. The proposal to cut resources from the Family Court isheading in exactly the wrong direction.

“The social cost of this decision will be significant,” Rick Barker said.“Tax cuts for high income earners obviously haveto be paid for. Distressed families are being asked to helppay the price.”