NZ officials sabotage Thai health initiatives

Green Party

Tuesday 26 April 2011, 8:20AM

By Green Party


New Zealand officials should not be putting pressure on another country to forego public health initiatives, Green Party alcohol spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.

World Trade Organisation documents show that New Zealand trade officials have stepped into a trade dispute involving Thailand and the WTO, and are opposing a health initiative in Thailand to put warning labels on alcohol.

“Our Government should not be interfering in another country’s efforts to curb the harm of alcohol,” said Ms Kedgley.

“New Zealanders should be concerned that our trade representatives are trying to interfere in the sovereign rights of another nation.

“The government of Thailand is pursuing a public health initiative, to reduce the harm of alcohol, by putting warning statements on alcohol.

“In the interests of free trade our Government is intent on sabotaging a positive initiative that will assist in the health and well-being of people in Thailand.

“What other hidden agendas is this Government pursuing behind closed doors, in meetings at the WTO?”

Ms Kedgley said it was an example of Labour and National governments’ fixation on pursuing free trade at all costs.

“The Government claims it wants to reduce the harm of alcohol in New Zealand by its Alcohol Reform Bill while at the same time it is trying to sabotage the Thai government’s efforts to do the same thing,” said Ms Kedgley.

Note: Many submitters to the Alcohol Reform bill had recommended warning labels on alcohol in New Zealand, especially to alert pregnant women of the risks of drinking alcohol while pregnant.