Childrens Unit benefits from Childrens and Family Fun Day

Tuesday 26 April 2011, 11:03AM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua District Council’s Children’s and Family Fun Day held at The Redwoods in March raised $510 for the Rotorua Hospital Children’s Unit.

Money was raised through the Bunnings Great Go-Kart Race, contributions from food vendors and donations. The event at The Redwoods is based around national Children’s Day which is held on the first Sunday of March each year.

“This is the second year we have been able to make a contribution to the team at the Children’s Unit,” said RDC arts officer and event co-organiser Kiri Jarden.

“It is really great that we can use this national day to focus on such an important aspect of local child welfare.”

The Rotorua event attracts around 2000 people who are able to participate in a range of free activities from aerial crate stacking, mountain biking and this year paintball, face painting, drumming and storytelling.