$80 doctor's bill for 94-year-old shows Ryall has priorities wrong

Labour Party

Tuesday 3 May 2011, 8:21AM

By Labour Party


Reports that a 94-year-old woman, with a community services card, was charged $80 to attend an after-hours clinic on Good Friday are a sign that Tony Ryall and the National-ledGovernment have their priorities in health all wrong, Labour Spokesperson on Health Grant Robertson saidtoday.

"This is just the latest example of huge charges facing people trying to get to see a doctor. In this case the woman paid the cost, but for many people they would simply not be able to afford a $80 bill and they would either not get treatment or face a long wait in a hospital emergency department., Grant Robertson said.

"In recent months we have heard stories of people right around New Zealand facing bills in excess of $100 for an after-hours appointment, including a 20 month old baby being charged $41 for treatment for a bad cut.

"It is said the morality of a society is judged on how the most vulnerable are treated.When the elderly and the very young are facing charges that are this high, this shows the current government have got their priorities wrong.

"Tony Ryall's obsession with slogans and manufactured targets is not delivering Kiwis access to primary health care.

"We have heard a lot of talk from the minister about DHBs developing plans for more accessible after-hours services, particularly in the Auckland region, but there has been precious little action.

"Well Minister, while your talk is cheap, the costs facing many New Zealanders are getting more expensive.

“Kiwi families are facing big increases in the cost of living through rising prices, and the increasing cost of going to the doctor is one more cost they can not afford," Grant Robertson said.