Rural broadband to benefit Maori communities
Maori Affairs Minister Dr Pita Sharples and Minister for Communications and Information Technology Steven Joyce today announced the establishment of a Maori Working Group to help steer the rollout of the government's Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI).
“The National Maori RBI Working Group, called Nga Pu Waea, will advise on Maori interests and development opportunities in broadband, and work to ensure that marae, kohanga, kura, wananga, iwi runanga and Maori health and social service providers benefit from the roll-out of broadband into rural areas,” says Dr Sharples.
“As well as connections to the broadband networks that will be made available through the RBI, benefits could include training and employment for Maori as the network is built, business opportunities to leverage the RBI infrastructure and extend faster broadband services to other uses and communities.
“Nga Pu Waea grew out of a submission by the Maori Economic Taskforce on the Government’s Rural Broadband Initiative. It’s about taking every opportunity to strengthen Maori participation in developing this nation.”
Mr Joyce says the Rural Broadband Initiative is about ensuring rural communities, including Maori communities, do not miss out on the promise of the digital age.
"The economic development potential for Maori communities under the RBI is significant. The working group is designed to ensure Maori can maximize those opportunities and that Maori views are represented as the initiative progresses.
"The Working Group, representing a range of Maori working in the ICT sector, and iwi and economic leaders, will work with Vodafone, Telecom and the Government.
“Telecom and Vodafone representatives will be required to meet every two months with the Working Group, and together they will report every six months to me and Dr Sharples.
“The Working Group will also be represented on the National Advisory Committee overseeing the RBI, and if it proves successful, we could consider extending its mandate to other ICT projects.”