Bennett and Key have misled New Zealand with youth training announcement

Labour Party

Thursday 5 May 2011, 8:50AM

By Labour Party


The National Government have tried to mislead New Zealanders into believing they have put new funding into tackling the issue of youth unemployment, says Labour’s spokesperson for Employment and Youth Affairs, Jacinda Ardern.

“Today’s announcement of a new youth training package amounts to less than half of the funding the Government cut out of skills and trades training last year,” Jacinda Ardern said.

“In October 2010 Tertiary Education Minister Steven Joyce announced a cut of $55 million in funding from industry training organisations. The Industry Training Federation estimates that the $55 million in funding would have supported 55,000 industry trainees over the two year period. The Government’s package will instead train at best only 4,000 young people.

“With the number of young people seeking work over the last two years having increased by over 35 percent since they took office, the Government clearly wants to be seen taking action. But robbing Peter to pay Paul, and paying Paul less, is not going to solve this crisis.

“National have sat on their hands for two and half years while youth unemployment has continued to increase, and industry based training has declined by over 25,000 trainees since Paula Bennett and John Key took office. Even based on the Governments figures, this package will notcome compensate for that drop.

“With a youth unemployment rate now over 25% percent, New Zealand needs more than a cynical announcement. We need genuine action, and we need a genuine plan," Jacinda Ardern said.