Queenstown the destination of choice for Air New Zealand

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Monday 24 September 2007, 10:28PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Queenstown has secured a powerful opportunity to showcase itself to an audience that can give its tourism industry a significant boost.

“Air New Zealand has taken up an invitation to hold its next Leadership Conference in Queenstown,” Queenstown Lakes District mayor Clive Geddes announced today.

“Around 270 Air New Zealanders will shortly spend almost three days in Queenstown for an event aimed at developing leadership skills and building on the uniquely Kiwi culture and innovation within the airline. Over the course of their time here participants will also get the opportunity to interact with many tourism operators and experience some of attractions that set us apart from other destinations,” he said.

Destination Queenstown chief executive David Kennedy described securing the Air New Zealand conference as a coup.

“Air New Zealand has a significant influence over the success of tourism in Queenstown through its extensive marketing and promotional efforts here domestically and internationally. We now have the opportunity through hosting this conference to really showcase Queenstown firsthand to a highly influential group. I’m confident that we can send them away having had an amazing experience translating into an even bigger commitment to bringing Queenstown to life on the domestic and international stage,” Mr Kennedy said.

“Furthermore, it is terrific that Air New Zealand wants to engage with a cross-section of our tourism operators to understand their businesses, challenges and opportunities.”

Air New Zealand Leadership Conference would run from September 30-October 2. Venues for the event would include Arrowtown on September 30 and Gibbston Valley Winery, AJ Hackett Bungy and The Hills and the Queenstown Memorial Hall over the following days.

Air New Zealand’s Group General Manager: People, Vanessa Stoddart said the airline is greatly appreciative of the support it has received from Mayor Clive Geddes, Destination Queenstown and tourism operators.

“Air New Zealand is committed to showcasing the best of New Zealand to the world and to ensure our leaders are great advocates for our nation it is critical that they get to experience what we sell overseas firsthand. The support we have received from Queenstown in creating this conference has been outstanding. Just like our previous conference in Rotorua this has been a great partnership,” she said.