International urban design experts to assist Christchurch

Christchurch City Council

Friday 6 May 2011, 2:58PM

By Christchurch City Council



Share an Idea was launched by the Christchurch City Council today (6 May) to make it easy for Greater Christchurch residents to get involved in the redevelopment of their Central City.

From today, residents can go online at and post their ideas which will be shared world-wide to stimulate more ideas and ongoing conversations to help inform the development of the Central City Plan following the February earthquake.

Mayor Bob Parker says Share an Idea is designed to get everyone involved in the process, our own residents, all New Zealanders, ex-pats living throughout the world and people who may be looking to move to Christchurch.

“We need to hear everyone’s ideas and as many ideas as possible to ensure our Central City is a great place again, a place where residents want to spend time and businesses want to invest.”

He says Christchurch has been presented with a rare opportunity in the history of any city. “Christchurch was last planned in 1850. More than 160 years later, a natural disaster has given us an extraordinary opportunity to do it again.

“What will be important is to ensure we futureproof our Central City for future generations. We have to be bold; we have to be adventurous; and we have to be visionary as we are creating a city for the next 150 years.

“We need as many people as possible to share an idea during the next two months as we develop the draft Central City Plan for formal consultation.”

A Share an Idea tabloid will be delivered to everyone’s mailbox within the Greater Christchurch area this weekend to get people thinking about the Central City and how to redevelop it.

Apart from the website, Share an Idea is also on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube (from next weekend, 14/15 May) and there is an extensive print and radio advertising campaign to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be involved. Next weekend’s (14 and 15 May) Share an Idea Community Expo at CBS Canterbury Arena from 10am to 5pm daily, is another way for residents to get involved.

“We want everyone to sign up online and register their areas of interest so we can keep talking to you in coming weeks as the draft Plan is developed.

“The City Council will bring all the ideas generated together in a broadly agreed structure and direction. This will mean compromise and not every idea will be adopted or implemented. However, what is important is every idea will be considered,” Mr Parker says.