Key treads on plush new carpet as Kiwis struggle

Labour Party

Tuesday 10 May 2011, 8:28AM

By Labour Party


John Key is telling struggling Kiwis that they must learn to live without ‘nice to haves’ and to make the right ‘lifestyle choices’ at the same time as splashing out on new carpet and curtains for Premier House, says Labour’s Internal Affairs spokesperson Chris Hipkins.

“It reeks of hypocrisy when Kiwi families are struggling to pay their bills each week,” Chris Hipkins said.

“We now know that John Key has spent more than $215,000 on painting the outside of Premier House and the fences as well as $55,000 on new carpets and more than $3000 on new blinds and curtains.

“National needs to get its priorities right,” Chis Hipkins said. “John Key needs to make appropriate lifestyle choices as well.

“Every Kiwi family struggling to pay the bills knows that if you can’t afford to pay for dinner, new carpet and curtains for the lounge get pushed a long way down the list.

“Struggling Kiwis simply don’t live in John Key’s world where you can afford to be splashing out on heated seats in brand new BMWs and to jet around the world in military planes.

“John Key apparently can’t set an example and make do until the economy picks up,” Chris Hipkins said.

“Claims from his office that the refurbishment has nothing to do with him ring more than a little hollow.

“John Key can’t exactly say he didn’t notice the scaffolding outside his house or the new carpet on the floor.

“He’s the Minister responsible,” Chris Hipkins said. “The buck stops with him.”