New residents to take tour of their city

Wednesday 11 May 2011, 7:37AM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings District Council and Settlement Support Hawke’s Bay will again combine to show new residents the sites of the district.

Up to 35 new residents will board a bus for the tour of Hastings and Havelock North which will include a description of council services available throughout the region.

During the tour, Hastings District Council and Settlement Support staff will point out places of interest, give the migrants a history of Hastings District, a quick look at life as a new settler and a first hand look at how to make the most of the regions lifestyle.

The tour will finish with the participants having afternoon tea with Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule at the Hawke’s Bay Opera House.

“Those who went on a similar tour in November enjoyed visiting parts of the city they may not otherwise see and it also gave them a chance to meet other new residents and make contacts in their new community,” Mayor Yule says.

“The tour is a positive way for Council and Settlement Support to help the new residents to settle quickly into the community, bringing new skills and different experiences which can be shared with those of us who have grown up here”.

“The tour is open to people who have moved to the region from overseas and also those who have arrived here from other parts of New Zealand. “ We welcome anyone who has made the decision to share our fantastic weather, beautiful scenery, great schools and laid-back lifestyle,” Lawrence Yule says.

The tour takes place on Saturday May 21st from 1pm and to register, new residents need to contact Renske Speekenbrink, Settlement Support Coordinator, Hawke’s Bay on 834 4171 or email

Anyone who requires information or settlement advice, can contact Renske at Hastings Library on Tuesdays between 2pm and 4pm, or attend the fortnightly ‘New Kiwi’ lunch meetings.