Industry leaders to inspire ideas for Central City redevelopment

Christchurch City Council

Wednesday 11 May 2011, 4:40PM

By Christchurch City Council



Fifteen urban designers, business leaders, arts and tourism representatives, geo-tech experts, architects, environmentalists, students and a Central City resident for 57 years will share their ideas for Christchurch’s Central City in the Speakers’ Corner at this weekend’s (14 and 15 May) community expo.

The Share an Idea Community Expo at the CBS Canterbury Arena, Addington, is a chance for the community to begin sharing their ideas about how they want the Central City to be redeveloped following February’s devastating earthquake.

Mayor Bob Parker, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu Kaiwhakahaere Mark Solomon, Environment Canterbury Deputy Chair and Commissioner David Caygill and Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee will address the expo at 10.15am on Saturday, with the Speakers’ Corner getting underway at 11am. The expo is open 10am to 5pm each day.

Central City Plan Project Sponsor Michael Theelen says the Speakers’ Corner is designed for a range of industry and community leaders to share their ideas and be a little provocative, to get people thinking about how they would like the Central City to be developed.

“We need everyone to be talking about our Central City and debating various concepts so we get lots of ideas coming through to begin shaping the draft Central City Plan.”

Each speaker will talk for about 15 minutes and then there will be 15 minutes of questions and answers/comment.

A programme of speakers is:

Saturday 14 May

11am           Hugh Nicholson

                   Christchurch City Council Principal Adviser – Urban Design

11.45am      Ian McCahon

                  Geotechnical Engineer

                  Geotech Consulting Ltd

12.30pm     Mary Devine    

                  Managing Director Ballantynes

1.15pm       David Sim   

                  Director Gehl Architects, Denmark

2pm            Peter Townsend  

                  Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive

2.45pm       Rachel de Lambert  

                  Director of Boffa Miskell, Auckland

3.30pm       Kohan McNab   

                  University of Canterbury Students Association President

4.15pm       Alex Cutler   

                  New Zealand Green Building Council Chief Executive


Sunday 15 May

10.15am      Paul Lonsdale   

                  Christchurch Central Business Association Manager

11am          Jane Gregg   

                  Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology & Martin Trusttum

11.45am      Dr Mark Quigley   

                   University of Canterbury Senior Lecturer in Active Tectonics and Geomorphology

12.30pm      Philip Aldridge  Court Theatre Chief Executive


1.15pm        David Sim   Direct of Gehl Architects, Denmark

2pm            Therese Minehan  Inner City West Neighbourhood Association Chair & resident Central City for 57 years

2.45pm        Hugh Nicholson  Christchurch City Council Principal Adviser – Urban Design

3.30pm       Jasper van der Lingen Canterbury branch of the New Zealand Institute of Architects Chairman

4.15pm       Tim Hunter   Christchurch and Canterbury Tourism Chief Executive