Public denied say on dirty coal plans

Friday 13 May 2011, 2:32PM

By Green Party



Just as foremost climate scientist James Hansen arrived in New Zealand with a dire message about lignite coal, the Gore District Council decided not to notify Solid Energy’s resource consent for a pilot lignite briquetting plant, said the Green Party today.

“The Government must listen to Hansen’s warning: stop the backward-looking plan to dig up dirty coal that will destroy valuable Southland farmland and our clean green brand,” said Green Party spokesperson on lignite coal Gareth Hughes.

James Hansen, the first scientist to bring global warming to the world's attention, arrived in the country yesterday to deliver a series of public talks. The same day, the Gore District Council confirmed the public will not be able to make submissions on Solid Energy's planned lignite conversion plant near Mataura.

“Dirty coal has no place in our economy. It not only undermines our clean, green brand, but also a clean, green future for our children and grandchildren,” said Mr Hughes.

“We have the opportunity to invest in creating a clean green prosperous future which we all can enjoy.

“But we can’t create a clean, green future by subsidising dirty lignite coal.”

Mr Hughes said the Emissions Trading Scheme would subsidise the dirty coal plans and increase our emissions, which would be expensive and catastrophic for the climate.

“As Hansen has made clear, for future generation’s sake, we must keep the coal in the hole.

“We live in a country rich in potential for renewable energy and clean, green jobs.

“The Government can step in and stop this lignite madness before it’s too late. Let’s tell them we want a smart, green economy, and not a coal based economy that will cost us the world,” said Mr Hughes.

Link to story about Gore District Council decision:

Link to story about James Hansen’s visit and statements on lignite coal in Southland:

Link to information about lignite and Emissions Trading Scheme subsidies: