Rheumatic fever unacceptable in New Zealand

Labour Party

Sunday 15 May 2011, 11:53AM

By Labour Party


The scourge of rheumatic fever in New Zealand will only be addressed by tackling inequities and the social causes of the disease, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson.

“Last year there were 168 cases of rheumatic fever recorded in New Zealand,” Grant Robertson said. “The disease should not be this prevalent in a developed country. Expert opinion is clear that stopping rheumatic fever requires addressing the underlying causes, which are more often than not about the social circumstances and living conditions of those affected.

“In particular over-crowded and poorly heated and insulated housing need to be addressed,” Grant Robertson said.

“The editorial in the latest New Zealand Medical Journal (13 May) makes the point that in New Zealand Pasifika people are 37 times more likely and Maori 20 times more likely to be admitted to hospital with rheumatic fever. As they note, this is caused by problems with access to healthcare and quality of care. Such inequities are unacceptable.

“The journal also highlights the success of a primary prevention programme for rheumatic fever in Flaxmere in Hawke’s Bay,” Grant Robertson said. “The programme involved working closely with the community, GPs and schools to increase early identification and treatment of sore throats that are the precursor to rheumatic fever.

“This study shows the importance of high quality public health interventions. The Government has its priorities wrong, and is fixated with the ‘ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’ approach rather than investing in prevention.

“New Zealand should be able to eradicate rheumatic fever and other childhood diseases with a targeted approach that combines community driven public health programmes and addressing the long-term social causes,” Grant Robertson said.